Many of you know this guy. Some of you love him, some of you despise him, some of you even want to sock him in the face. This Julian Casablancas look alike seems to spend most of his life hacking hardware and jailbreaking things such as the iPhone and most recently, the PlayStation 3. He believes that jailbreaking a device for homebrew purposes should be allowed for everyone and the right to their hardware and he also believes that he doesn't support piracy. What's interesting about homebrew actually is that its predominately used for pirating software which goes against his 'morals.'
Some say, what are you still doing in your 'grandmothers basement?' Why don't you haven't you gotten a job working for Microsoft, Sony, Google or Apple? Not many know what he actually does with his time or his brain other than make it possible for individuals to hack their consoles and pirate games.
Its well known to the gaming community that PlayStation Network has been shut down until next week while Sony works on better securing their PlayStation Network. Information has also surfaced in regards to personal information stolen from PlayStation Network and its users posing a threat of identity threat. What has George Hotz to say concerning the matter? He denies it. Its clear when reading his BLOG that Hotz has had a vendetta against Sony for quite some time and his hatred and bitterness toward the corporation exceeds many. Even moreso bitter that Sony has taken his hardware and slapped him on the wrists for hacking their console. (Hey, they could have done worse but let you off easy.) This is what he had to say on his blog concerning the matter of the PlayStation Network hacking:
"To anyone who thinks I was involved in any way with this, I'm not crazy, and would prefer to not have the FBI knocking on my door. Running homebrew and exploring security on your devices is cool, hacking into someone elses server and stealing databases of user info is not cool.
Also, let's not fault the Sony engineers for this, the same way I do not fault the engineers who designed the BMG rootkit. The fault lies with the executives who declared a war on hackers, laughed at the idea of people penetrating the fortress that once was Sony, whined incessantly about piracy, and kept hiring more lawyers when they really needed to hire good security experts. Alienating the hacker community is not a good idea.
To the perpetrator, two things. You are clearly talented and will have plenty of money(or a jail sentence and bankruptcy) coming to you in the future."
Whomever has hacked PlayStation Network remains unknown but even the man who had jailbroken the PS3 can see the consequences of the action and disagrees with the motive and doesn't want to be associated with the matter and the perp could find the consequences for his actions hard and beyond his control. You can bet that hacker or those hackers are working rather quickly to try and cover their tracks.
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